Hi everyone i have had a couple of problems with the death book. Can u plz help me and teel me how to them out of your inventory it would be very helpful. For all those that use this server and have death books plz do NOT give them to others it is not funny. Players can now not play on this server. If u know how 2 get rid of them plz let me know. THANKS
Download the Application MineChat on your phone then follow these steps: 1. Log in 2. Go to Mineverse 3. Do /creative 4. Do /invclear 5. Go back on your PC and check it. I hope this helped!
If you don't have a "Smart" device, use this: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-win-mac-linux-minecraft-console-client-1-7-9 As sketchy as it looks, i use it trying to make CURES for this virus of a book. And is my account stolen? no, its 100% safe. Username, then pass, Server I.P. then /creative, then /invclear
Unfortunately without your IGN I can't add you to the reset list. If you are able to give me your ingame name, I can add you. Closing