Tbh i think your are a cool and calm guy that i get along with i hope to talk to you more. Levis, we used to be really good friends and ever since i came back we haven't talked to much but you are a really nice guy and you are really supporting of your friends Ewwhhh go away Jokes ily you are such a funny and friendly guy I feel like i've always had alot of mutual respect for you and understand where you coming from whenever you try explain things, Overall i would like to talk to you more you seem nice and straight to the point. No, haha ive found you to be quite the funny person and is always able to cheer someone up when they are feeling down, I don't know whats going on between you and alex though is it like a rival fued or is it like dissing each other xD, Overall Friendly, Funny, Cheerfull and a great person <3
We always have a funny laugh whenever we talk to each other because we both can be really funny sometimes, I think you are a great person that is really friendly and is always there to help <3 I dont really know you to much but you seem funny i would like to get to know you somemore though Check this link you can see all the hacking you want :p https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdubUvKMq4TbY9A6zMYM18A Anyways you seem funny and friendly i would like to get to know you more
I think you are a quite serious person who has high standards but you are still really nice and friendly you know when to be immature and you know when not to be, i think you are a great person and would like to get to know you more Tbh i don't know you that much but from what ive seen you are friendly active and funny i would love to get to know you more
I think people will find that even without the click bait titles people will still click on the thread
Ily <3 i feel that we are really close and i can count on you and talk to you whenever, You are a really sweet kind, Friendly, appreciative person and im glad to know you. Yuck well i guess we both were sad when SSMH left As a mod xD Im kidding your are a really nice person and i would love to see you reapply in the future