Make sure to bump your email every 5 days, give or take. A lot of emails come through so if you want your email to be on the top then you need to comment on your email (Just say bump)
This should be closed. Minky all you do is just ddos every person On Mineverse. You don't deserve your rank back. Bruh, you ddosed YoFermer every 5 minutes. I was skyping, and the call would just keep dropping. Come on Minky.
It won't be closed for that reason. How would you feel if you someone said this to you? If you don't have anything good to say on a help thread please leave, thank you.
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @bananaman11223 @TannerLittle can you contact cup? Sorry autocorrect won't let me spell it right.
@MinkyChinky You totally deserved it. You were ruining skywars maps, Im not surprised ppl would demote you lol.
I would be quite mad but I wouldn't let the ddoser stay downgraded. People make mistakes, and you need to understand that
Please email with your IGN, Problem and Proof. Wait for five days or more and send another one. have a awesome day.
I meant that people make mistakes, if it was accidental or not. Mistakes aren't always messing up on an easy question on an exam, it can be doing a crime, etc. It's because they had no idea what was in their mind when they did and didn't think through the consequences. This is getting a bit off-topic, let's get back on track