Your ingame name: Philip320 Moderator name: MrParkourGuy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: MrParkorGuy perm bans from the forum and refuse to unban I have now been banned for almost one month, I suspect that I'm perm banned Right after that I asked mrparkourguy when I get unban from the forum? then he just ignored me! Evidence/screenshots
Just checked, wasn't my warnings that banned you. The one I gave you expired, so I didn't do anything.
I gave a temp, it expired. ex·pire ikˈspīr/ verb past tense: expired; past participle: expired 1. (of a document, authorization, or agreement) cease to be valid, typically after a fixed period of time. "the old contract had expired" synonyms:run out, become invalid, become void, lapse;More 2. technical exhale (air) from the lung.
:L You clearly don't know what the term expire means.. When MPG clearly explained to you what it means.