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  • Moderator Application FAQ

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Mineverse, Oct 1, 2020.

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    1. Mineverse

      Mineverse Forums System Forums System

      Oct 31, 2013
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      A guide on moderator applications
      Hello! We are glad you have an interest in applying to help our server combat cheaters and rule-breakers. Mineverse and its networks is always in need of honest, dedicated, and helpful mods. Before you apply, however, you need to be aware of a few rules and tips.


      The requirements are:
      - 25 posts made on Forums
      - 2 weeks registered on Forums
      - Must have a Discord and Skype account
      - 2FA (security) enabed on Forums, Discord & Skype
      - You may not be permanently banned in-game, on forums or on discord

      You must also follow the template (answer the questions provided). The template was last updated May 2020. We cannot tell you enough how many applications we must strike down simply because people do not follow the most basic requirements. Also, not following the rules greatly reduces your future chances as moderator, so don't mess this part up!

      How long should my application be?
      While there is no specific requirement on how long applications must be, you should use common sense. Applications that are too short/insufficiently answer the questions will be disregarded. Likewise, a Doctorate’s thesis on your entire life up to this point will also be ignored as fluff and filler are just as bad as insufficient information. Many successful applications have been around 300-800 words long, however there are exceptions.

      When can I apply?
      You may apply as soon as you meet the requirements. However, it is a good idea to wait and get to know the community more (ie. Contribute to threads, make suggestions, report players, etc) before you apply. Moderators and head staff look for potential moderator material before you may even apply so it’s a good idea to make a good impression before you apply.

      I was/am temporarily banned. Can I still apply?
      Yes, however please understand that you will be criticized heavily about this. While you can apply right after a ban/during a ban, you will most likely have your chances severely hurt. However that does not mean you cannot be a mod. Many current and former moderators have been banned for hacking but could overcome that. It is recommended before you apply that you assure the community through your actions that you are trustworthy enough to enforce the rules.

      If you're permanently banned anywhere on Mineverse, you may not apply.

      How long is the wait?
      There is no response time for applications. We accept applications when we have the time and resources to mentor new moderators. Not getting promoted doesn't mean you won't get promoted in the future.

      Applicants that don't meet the requirements or are not serious about their application are denied.

      Do’s and Don’t’s:
      [​IMG] Highlight your best qualities.
      [​IMG] List your experience.
      [​IMG] Do NOT copy other applications.
      [​IMG] Do NOT list your donor rank (We don't care about donation status).
      [​IMG] Do NOT flame or argue on your application. It will make you look bad, immature, and reduce your chances.
      [​IMG] Do NOT tag moderators to read your application.
      [​IMG] Do NOT make frequent grammatical mistakes.
      [​IMG] Do NOT lie about your punishments.
      [​IMG] Do NOT lie about your experience.
      [​IMG] Do NOT lie about your age.
      [​IMG] Do NOT lie in general.
      [​IMG] Do NOT use hard to see colors like this because it's annoying and burns our eyes

      Thread created by @djryan
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2022
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