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  • Infection Make Infection 1.18.2

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Robo, May 10, 2022.

    1. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Hi everyone. I haven't posted anything on here for a while, but I've been thinking about this and I decided it's important enough to have its own post on it.

      Before I continue onto this thread, I want to acknowledge that it might be far too late into Infection's development to do this, but even if it's never going to happen, I hope I can at least make a few people think about how it would be like.

      So, what I'm suggesting it to make Infection only compatible with the latest version of Minecraft. (Yes this also means using the new combat system, but before you say anything hear me out) I've considered this for a while and it just makes the most sense with this gamemode going forward.

      Currently there aren't that many pvp servers that use the new combat system, which would allow Infection to go into a new market that's only growing.

      There are other benefits to this too, such as being able to use potion arrows (a high zombie prestige could give poison arrows for example), dual wielding (high human levels could give a shield), and other cool features like totems and new enchantments for weapons. And these additions are only the tip of the iceberg for what's possible. (we aren't even including the new blocks that can be used for mapmaking)

      Here is a Q&A I prepared for some questions you may have:

      Q: So I can't play on 1.8?
      A: No, if this was added, you'd need to log onto the latest version, like how Survival works.

      Q: So what if I don't like 1.9 combat?
      A: I know some people are absolutely against the new pvp system, but I believe that the benefits of new features far outweighs anything else. Eventually you'll get more used to it and possibly even prefer it to 1.8 (at least for Infection).

      Other than that, if you deeply despise the new pvp system and will not even consider playing on this, then feel free to give a no support rating, as it's clearly not for you. If however you have an open mind but are not fully convinced, feel free to voice your concerns in the replies.

      I can't speak for anyone else, but as someone who's played Infection for a long time, I truly believe this direction is the best one to go in, and to embrace change that gives more content to the gameplay.

      There is still risk involved that it may not be popular, but Infection isn't exactly booming right now either, and each reset just shows how much it needs something fresh to bring this gamemode back, and this can absolutely set Mineverse apart from most servers.

      With the limited amount of new pvp servers, I believe advertising this as a new pvp minigame server will easily bring in a lot of people who are looking for that sort of thing.

      Here is a list of additions with this change I thought of (there's much more that can be added, and if you can think of any, comment them down below):

      - new human perks: slow falling potions, shields, crossbows with new multishot enchantment at higher levels, dual wielding (humans get a shield at SgtMaj), human axes are more useful as they're stronger)
      - new zombie prestige perks: a high prestige perk could be a totem that has a one-time use in game (or rather this perk can be given to humans at high exp level instead), another one could be poison or slowness tipped arrows for high prestige zombies with bows, spectral arrows to keep track of where humans are, sweeping edge enchantments on zombie swords to attack multiple humans at once)
      - new mapmaking blocks, no more buggy version differences such as fences and iron bars glitching people out in different versions of the game, will bring in new players who are looking for these new types of pvp games.

      Let me know your feedback and why you agree/disagree!
    2. Qwiby

      Qwiby parkour enthusiast Premium

      Nov 3, 2015
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      While its most likely too late to do this as infection is already in dev (same with my thread) I do agree this would be a smart move.

      Not to mention 1.9 pvp combat system was actually designed more for survival, rather than competitive pvp in mind. (A mojang dev tweeted this out a while ago) and since Infection is more survival based I think it suites it very well.

      Aswell for the people who are strongly against 1.9 pvp, soon there is going to be a new pvp system than more closely resembles the 1.8 pvp system with a lot of features of 1.9. Having infection on the latest update would make it easier to port to the new combat system as well when it comes out.
    3. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      I read it all but like only payed attention for the good parts.
      First of all, I love you Robo you cutie pie.
      Second of all, nope. I saw a youtube video of a server having everything 1.18 but the pvp was still 1.8 so yeah.
      Third of all, only being able to log on 1.18.2 is horrible just like this new survival but then again it's survival so I'll let it slide. The only downfall is you can't gamemode hop and have to constantly relog with a dif. version since there's no client that has super powers for that.
      Fourth of all, I'm just waiting for what they put out then I can bully them for whatever they missed since it makes more sense.
      Fifth of all, even if Infection is technically "survival" rather than pvp based I'm not logging on the latest version just to hide the whole game or do whatever else I gotta do that isn't pvp.
      My head hurts so I'm done typing.

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