Your in game name: glaadiator The offender's in game name: kkcool2003 and fishlips22521 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Accused me of hacking (when i was on my friend's plot, minecraftXPLODER, and I didn't do anything) and kept on saying weird things to me, etc. also threatened to report me for "public abuse" and told me they hope i die in a fire. Evidence/screenshots.
Because they're MVP and god, they can tp to whoever they want without requesting...i didn't invite him. It wasn't my fault they griefed (not my plot) and it wasn't my fault they threatened me to die and saying that I hacked when i told them to stop.
Exuse me we did nothing U were being mean so i said die in a fire So atually no u can threaten Me to get banned
And we didnt Grief kkcool2003 Was allowed In the plot and he started to draw stuff but "Gladdiator" told him Off so we stoped and she started to swear at us So i said die in a fire As a joke.
I told him off because of what he was making....and plus he didn't stop and you can't say "die in a fire" as a joke. Plus you kept on saying I was hacking and I was griefing your plot.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.