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  • Infection Institution - A Modern Infection Map

    Discussion in 'Map Submissions' started by Torch, Nov 6, 2019.

    1. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
      Likes Received:
      I see your point, however what about the south side of the map? That bush maze is a nightmare game play wise
      Last edited: May 14, 2020
    2. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Shout side? You can get ontop of the "maze" from about 3000 spots so hiding there wouldn't be easy.
    3. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      Mkay. I have a suggestion, only make the house playable. The house itself is already a good size, the outer part just makes it too much. However my mind is still made up. Its a No Support.
      Last edited: May 14, 2020
    4. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      TL;DR support

      I waited to reply to this so I could get in-game and thoroughly check it out myself. And I think this is the best map you guys have built so far. It is quite large, but I don't think it's too big for infection.
      Like you've said, everything except the building is one floor, and the building has three. Having some rooms locked off helps. The map is easy enough to get around which will make scouting for zombies easy. I also didn't see any overly good spots which is also good for larger maps.
      Your map has my support Torch and Bakes.

      I don't think the player count will effect the average outcome of this map. There can be games with 7 people on a big map and it ends quickly. There can be games with 40 people on a regular sized map and many humans survive. It's different every time. I think it matters more to "who" is playing, and how they decide to play. In which case we can only faintly assume how games will go on this map, or any map.

      Which is why it's good to have a variety of styles/layouts of maps to accommodate for the different types of players online at any given time, and adding this map will expand that variety. As I've said many times, if we make all the maps to be "balanced" and the same, it wouldn't be so fun. Every map would playout the same way. I think Motley Crue said it best with "It's the same ol', situation".

      Now this is all my opinion and I may be wrong for all I know. But I've played Infection for a long time and have seen maps, items, glitches, rules, and players come and go. I can only hope my experience has given me better insight on Infection as a whole.

      P.S. I thought the spawn would be near the fountain
    5. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      Indeed, however I see this map like a Cherokee 2.0 every 'good' player will afk & the rounds will end with more humans then zombies. Which isnt really fun.
    6. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      The difference is Institution is a large map with no camping spots, and Cherokee is a big map with dozens of camping spots. It's actually quite a big difference. Like how Nuketown is bigger than Nether, but Nether is more Human biased. And that means it was fun for humans. There's nothing wrong with Humans surviving on maps, that's the goal. I don't know why people think every round should have a "last man standing".
    7. Bakes32

      Bakes32 Well-Known Member

      Mar 8, 2014
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      Cheers legend :)

      This map wasn't designed to last all 3 or so minutes each round goes for and is instead an opportunity to explore the different styles of play that can't necessarily be found on the current maps. We believe some of the best rounds are the ones that are quick and zombie 'biased' where the winner is decided possibly more on their skill in hiding instead of their ability to use donor kits or bow spam from a single spot. As for its size, yes it is large, but its the same size as many other current maps although many have op spots that do lead to games that get ruined - especially for newer players that will see 3-5 full diamond players sitting with bows in an almost unreachable place. While there are somewhat op rooms in the building they are within the range of the spawn that will maintain the zombie's op boost where they will have the chance to get to the people who feel the need to rofl farm no matter what.
      Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2020

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