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  • Global Heres how to revive OPPVP/KITPVP, but I know the stubborn mods won't agree

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by AxeGodGoku, Nov 30, 2022.

    1. AxeGodGoku

      AxeGodGoku Active Member

      Sep 10, 2020
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      To get straight the point, both oppvp and kitpvp slowly died out because of mods perm banning macro users. I've been saying this for at least 2 years while oppvp was gradually dying, up until when it finally died last year. I have always believed macros should not be against the rules, and now I am reiterating this because macro banning is literally what killed the server. The server will 100% revive if the mods remove antimacro rules, unban permed macro users, update oppvp map, and MAYBE reset oppvp/kitpvp (this last one isnt that necessary but may help)

      Now to why macros aren't a big deal:

      While macros are a slight P2P advantage (just like /kits and /pv which are in the game), macros really aren't that overpowered. As long as I payed attention to my health bar and chat bar, I could always gap right away when i get healed. If I'm in the middle of a 1v1 and get healed, I hotkey to my pearl, teleport, and gap. This became a common reflex for me and most seasoned players, and is not that hard for new players to pick up over time. Every once in a blue moon I'll get killed by a sneaky /heal attack, but 99% of time I counter it easily

      The rest of the oppvp rules are pretty solid in my opinion, and while the anticheat isnt perfect, it did help a bit with auto kicking hackers for reach, aura, etc. However banning macros is ridiculous, i have no idea how its considered "cheating", and it makes sense to give dedicated ranked paid players some kind of benefit. Titan is an expensive rank, and should have features like /eheal that are worth the money players pay for. And i'm saying this as someone who has NEVER owned a titan account. Mods banning macro users has greatly led to permbanning countless titans. Titans are typically the players who have committed the most time and money to the server. Why would you meaninglessly target your biggest supporters over such a stupid rule??

      I've tried explaining this to mods before and got shut down, so I dont know if they ever would agree. But I want to see what other players think, and would hope to get some mods perspectives as well.
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    2. Sedt

      Sedt Active Member

      Mar 29, 2020
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      this is not the reason the server is dead.
    3. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Macros are a form of a PvP disadvantage which is why they're not allowed and never have been. Macros were heavily abused by Titans which is partially why people stopped playing. They were banned rightfully so. I can say that maybe reduce the ban length for macros since it may be a disadvantage but it's not like they're actually cheating (hopefully not).

      We will never do any form of unban all either. Most of those who are banned deserve to stay banned because of the stuff they have done and over the years our staff (retired and current) have devoted countless amounts of time into making sure the server is a better and safer place for everyone.

      We're also working on resetting both Kit and Op but there will be no map changes for OP as we have experimented with that in the past and nothing changed so we're keeping the current map as most of the community loves it and it just fits OP.

      In addition to this, I'm kinda leaning toward letting those who are banned and only have macro offenses (not an actual cheat) could be given a chance to appeal. Yes, macros are a huge disadvantage but if those banned players don't have any other serious offenses they may be able to redeem themselves. I feel like this can be done but there's a chance we won't and that's my personal opinion.
    4. AxeGodGoku

      AxeGodGoku Active Member

      Sep 10, 2020
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      They're not a major disadvantage at all. If you die to macros often that just means your an idiot. But anyway good look with the reset, I promise you nothing is getting revived, and no players are coming back. I also still believe oppvp desperately needs a new map more than a reset. I know that I and many others would come back just or a new map to mess around on

      Not the only reason, but yes it played a significant role, especially in the last dying years of oppvp

      /pv is also a "pvp disadvantage" in combat. Its an unfair advantage that paid ranked players get access to more sets in combat. But thats the point!!! The rank is suppposed to give you an advantage, thats why we pay for them. And oppvp is still playable as a F2P as well if you're good enough
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2022

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