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  • Dear Noobcrew

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Watermelonone, Sep 23, 2022.

    1. Watermelonone

      Watermelonone Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2014
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      Dear Noobcrew,

      You can't keep resetting/restarting gamemodes and expect them to just do well without any updates/advertisements and be poorly redone, you do exactly the same thing without any change an example is when you did the op map, it was so basic and boring that's why you changed back to the original.

      For prison and survival they are dying because they are the same, no updates/change and no advertisement for the server, you rely on og members to come back.. maybe its because you don't wanna spend money on the server like you did back in 2013/14/15 when it was at its peak, which is honestly respectful, you got other businesses to attend too, but honestly I don't want you to let this com to die you got to accept change. promote the server more aswell and put that extra money into it you have/had a good staff team even though I don't get along with most ngl.

      I'm just writing this to try get Noobcrew to try and at least put some effort into the server and make it popular as it was back in the days, I know a lot of people lets say dislike me and I dislike them I would still like a community like this to still be around and not fully die.

      I mean no disrespect towards the server/owner/staff.

      ~ Zick
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
    2. Boobalyboo

      Boobalyboo Well-Known Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      survival isnt dying cause nothing changed, it was thriving then he went around and ed everything up. he changed shop 24/7, changed literal vanilla mechanics etc. survival was doing great until he came around again lol
    3. Noobcrew

      Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner

      Oct 11, 2013
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      Thanks for your honest feedback.

      The plan has been to overhaul current gamemodes and release new ones. We basically need better content overall for og players and new ones too.

      There are a couple servers we want to release to make Mineverse unique again and a couple such as OP we need to reset. There are also plans for bedrock compatibility and improvements to our forums/site. All of this takes time but a lot of it is already in progress.

      When it comes to Survival and Prison, we aren't sure what else to add but would love to hear any suggestions you may have. Prison for example, Chain and Clarity made the server way more advanced and much more balanced compared to what it ever was before, but even an advanced server could look pretty bleak with no one to play with. It's more related to our lack of players/player retention but with the improvements mentioned we hope to increase that. Earth for example, even though it does zero players right now, I don't think it failed at all but rather is waiting for the time when we can get more players through the door.

      I haven't stopped investing in the server and we even have advertising active right now (#2 sponsored on https://minecraft-mp.com/), it's not the same as it used to be however and this advertising does very little nowadays. I am planning to do some paid videos with large Youtubers/Streamers in the future but those can cost thousands and we have to do so when the server is ready for it.

      I'm all for change but we have to do it in the right places too. Like OP PvP you mentioned, we tried to make the map bigger and better thinking that was the right option only to see that no one actually wanted the map change and which is why we reverted back.

      All in all, the Minecraft community is a bit different and much smaller than the glory days when we thrived, but I do think Mineverse still has massive potential to be a large network again and that's what we are aiming to do.

      Anyways, I hope this helps give insight on some things. Thanks!
      • Like Like x 7
    4. Noobcrew

      Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner

      Oct 11, 2013
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      What sort of things are you mentioning? Prices had to change on some items because they were way too easy/fast to profit. If you have any suggestions just let me know.
    5. Salvation

      Salvation Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      well for starters u wont even unban me
    6. SuperCoolWimp1

      SuperCoolWimp1 Established Member

      May 27, 2020
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      plz invest in minetime
    7. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      rare noobcrew w? I mean take your time with your gameplan I'll be around for a few more years. I'll happily be playing Valorant until the playerbase comes back. Few months back this sh- was kinda popping and then the plague came back like it always does but I mean you actually provided us w/ smth good which means we are going forward! But in all honesty, get your head brainstorming. Me personally idk what Earth was supposed to do, Survival got the deserved hype but at the same time you bummed tf out of us infection players. Prison was ahead or behind of it's time idrk but the fact it wasn't p2w was a huge step that Chain really focused on and should be looked at as a reference point. ONE MORE THING! GAMEPLAY!!!! I'm like pretty sure prison died cus of gameplay issue like mcmmo was light work baltop was light work. You guys hosted an event but that didnt really do anything. Think long term like when you used to watch faction lets plays or sum on youtube. Anything is better than nothing. ALSO I PROPOSE IMPLEMENTING THE UPDATES YOU GUYS DEVELOP FOR PLAYERS TO TEST RATHER THAN JUST LETTING STAFF TEST OR HOWEVER U GUYS DO YOUR TESTING. MAP TESTING, BUG TESTING, ALL TYPES OF TESTING LIKE I KNOW IM NOT THE ONLY ONE THINKING IT.

      Anyways I'm out this bi-
      Release Infection already, Take your time I see the light forming, and consider skygrid again. buh bye
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    8. Throwaway2022

      Throwaway2022 Established Member

      Aug 18, 2022
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      I joined your servers back in 2012 starting with Skyblock and joining Mineverse sometime in 2013. We are now in 2022 and it feels like your servers are still stuck in a time period prior to 2014. For Skyblock this works great as many players will want an original feeling to the game mode otherwise it defeats the purpose of Skyblock. However, this doesn’t work on other game modes and players look for those custom plugins. It’s no wonder the prison server failed, who’s idea was it to bring a map back from nearly 8 years ago and thinking it will be a hit? Join any large hub server today and you will see how behind Mineverse is.

      From my perspective you always ran the servers as a distant owner who never seemed to engage with the community. I know you’re much older than you were when you created Skyblock as a teen, but your lack of community involvement does affect the servers. For years you dedicated one Admin to run the servers or at least be the face of them. The suggestions page on this forum were rarely ever considered. You once even acquired the server Minetime and you killed the server. You may have bit off more than you can chew with it, but that server also had potential as well.

      The lack of game mode updates led to numerous revamps made solely by the players themselves. There were numerous attempts to revive op prison which was one of your most popular game modes, but once again nothing was done and it died. I know how much work it can be to run servers and I know it’s not the only business entail you have, but something needed to be done. There was a time where Mineverse did have a chance to become alive again, but I don’t see that ever happening again. There’s nothing special about it compared to every other hub server. Harsh reality, but it’s the truth. Only way I ever see it succeeding is a complete revamp of game modes, new developers and lots of advertising. Not sure you’re willing to spend thousands on this server, but that is the only way it will ever have more than 100 players on it.

      Really is a shame and although I haven’t played on your servers in over five years now, it’s sad seeing what it became. Currently ten players online as we speak and not a single player on the prison game mode that was released a couple months ago. I wish more was done at the time and there’s no way any of this was unexpected.
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    9. SPlRIT

      SPlRIT Active Member

      Jun 10, 2020
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      Completely agree. People loved unique gamemodes on mineverse such as OpPvP and KitPvP and hoping that you can maybe reset them so playbase can come back and play on it. It's been dead for almost 2 years now and definitely has potential to come back if you guys put in a little but of work and money. really hope u can make this happen crew & staff team !
    10. Skillbill63

      Skillbill63 Experienced Member

      May 9, 2014
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      @Throwaway2022 is on point. Like myself havent touched the server for a while but seems to lack character and direction. I played in 2014/15 and seems like I posted the most popular youtube video for the server with 22k views.

      It is pretty sad to see the server go down hill but without both major financial and time commitments the server is going no where. As said previously, the whole server needs a revamp as you probably know.

      Perhaps decrease the amount of unused gamemodes and really focus one a few/couple in an attempt to make the server more special. Maybe take advantage of something around the theme, the server has a great name.
      There is obviously a lot of competition nowadays with other servers and a lot of high standards so the server does really need something unique to hold on to.

      When I use to play and every other time I've checked into the server I've never seen much involvement from yourself personally. Whether you do or not behind the scenes I think it would be healthy if the community saw you get more involved.

      But really the server needs something to hold on to, that being anything postive.
      • Like Like x 1
    11. Noobcrew

      Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner

      Oct 11, 2013
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      Yes I agree with you guys and I am working on new updates and servers. I haven't given up on Mineverse, it does have massive potential and we can very easily be positioned to be a large network once again. The goal is to have unique content and gamemodes that do not exist elsewhere like we did before. We aren't ready however for purchasing advertising yet, there is still some gamemodes I need to release, reset, update or improve but I think we have made a good amount of progress so far.

      There are many things in progress and it takes a considerable amount of time to do. I think for now the amount of players online should be ignored, such as Earth or Prison having zero players online doesn't really reflect the quality of the server. Even a poorly setup server which I see all the time elsewhere can seem lively and fun when many players are online and communicating. It is the nature of games as no one wants to play somewhere alone. They are positioned however for when the time comes and when we can open doors again for getting new players online. I am hoping that a majority of the updates I have in mind will be done within the next few months so just make sure to check back in later. Thank you guys for your feedback and concerns! :happy:
    12. Zaldoria

      Zaldoria Experienced Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      Hello, OG player here, and I agree with pretty much everything stated, back in the day when I played the original OPPrison game mode was my absolute favorite, and honestly in my opinion and a lot of the OG OPPrison players' perspective resetting it was one of the worst things done to this community. The OPPrison server had such a unique player-driven economy that was destroyed with a reset. I fully understand resetting it A lot of the community wanted that. however, The way it was done was not what any of us wanted. We didn't want a modern "SPACE PRISON" We wanted just a simple reset and a new map. The black market illegal item community was like the peak of what people enjoyed. So many rare special items that shouldn't have existed, existed. Such as "Jie's Pickaxe" which for the non-OPPrison players was a fortune 2745 pickaxe that instantly filled your inventory with one block mined. All the rare items, Like the Red sand block, chainmail armor, and normal sand, are what built the community up to what it was. They became "status symbols" within the OPPrison community. These are what drove the community, It wasn't super inflated and once you reached the top it was no longer a grind for the highest prestige, It was now a grind to collect as many rares as possible, I remember grinding for 2 weeks straight to save up to buy the super rare Chainmail armor from another player. Because that was a status symbol and it was super fun, as a result of this underground market of rare items, it lead to the OPPrison economy not being super inflated, the highest Baltop ever was 1 QUADRILLION

      No one wanted a prestige system, no one wanted P2W, Noone wanted the reset in the way we got it. There are plenty of posts on the forums talking about wanting OG OPPrison to be returned. I've heard rumors that the Original OPPrison files were lost, but If you could bring it back in the way it was back in 2014-2016 I'm sure a massive flood of OG players such as myself would come back to the OPPrison.

      That's my position on it.
      Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
    13. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      In terms of bringing back OGs, it is certainly the way to go with a simple reset. However, if we want to grow, be attractive to new players and have good retention we pretty much have to make changes and modernise the servers so that we can compete better. The OGs can only bring us so much success and it tends to be short lived as seen with Prison. We're all getting older now and the number of people who would be willing to come back will only dwindle as time goes on.

      Nonetheless, we still are very much open to suggestions on all fronts on how we can improve our servers and ideas/new features for ones we reset.
      Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
    14. Zaldoria

      Zaldoria Experienced Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      Yes, but "modernizing" is what originally killed OPPrison in the first place. I do get what your saying though it's a difficult situation.
    15. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      I'm not going to lie, I had a stint for a couple of months last year but before that I hadn't played the server since the glory days of 2014 through to late 2016. I haven't logged on in months, but I see the average daily logins is roughly 25 players. I only really make an appearance on the forums now every once and a while but I'll give my 2 cents on the issue.

      I consider myself as one of the OG players, I used to play the old prison, infection and skyblock back in the height of Mineverse. I didn't really have much to do with any of the others. I really enjoyed my time, made a lot of friends which I still speak to now, 7 years on. In my opinion, I believe the resets that were implemented slowly killed the server. Granted - some gamemodes needed a reset, but arguably these resets drove away the majority of the OG players - myself included.

      My time was mostly spent on the old prison - Dewbious's map. When that was reset and a new map was introduced, that hastily killed the prison population. I believe we could have gotten away with certain worlds reset (i.e the free world).

      Infection needed a reset. Alot of people were already max prestige, the reset gave everyone a fresh start. I believe this was a healthy reset. The addition of player-created new maps aswell as well as new prestige's; I believe created player retention and even brought in new players through advertising. Wasn't until the great decline of players within the last 2 years which actually killed infection.

      Skyblock also needed a reset - so many players had already done everything, had everything. Another example of a healthy reset. Even after this reset - alot of players actually kept playing and were happy.

      I don't believe the issue is the lack of gamemodes or the need for new ones to be added, I reckon we could get by with the servers that we had in 2014 with a little update.

      I do agree with a few posts above however; a revamp of all the gamemodes could be a healthy aspect to attracting new players or even bring back some OG's. But the general Minecraft community is nothing like it once was (as Crew mentioned) - not as many people playing like there used to be. This would present the biggest challenge to this whole endeavour to make Mineverse like it once was.

      I've always stuck by the decisions that Cypriot and Crew have made throughout the years, they've always done what the Mineverse community have wanted, it's a tough gig, I wouldn't want to be doing it. Respect goes out for your attempts to keep the server thriving. If the server does reach a point where players are coming back, I'll be more than happy to make a return.
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