My IGN: Musezeta Offenders IGN: crazed_unicorn/manjuman Rules broken: Hacked client Both accounts are owned by the same player and this is the 3rd month in a row I've had to report him. 1st offence: 2nd offence and proof of account ownership: Requesting permanent ban on crazed_unicorn @Pile_of_Butts
I have perm banned crazed_unicorn for the players hacking offences. As for the alt there are no previous offences. If you see the account on the server after 30 days I will ban it for ban evading. For future reference if you feel a player deserves a perm ban I would PM a head mod with compiled evidence privately. These reports are public and things of this nature should be dealt with on more of a private level. We don't perm ban on request, but this player has had enough chances in my opinion. Thanks for the report. Closing.