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  • Global Community Builder(Mainly for Infection, Oppvp, Kitpvp)

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by dune, Mar 21, 2021.

    1. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      I remember back when infection used to be popular, I would usually see a map where you spawn in some sort of house and when u run out there would be a helicopter, some train tracks, and other stuff. The reason I enjoy that map is that there are many things you could do to win the game and multiple places to go. I'm pretty sure other suggestions have been made about infection maps so I'll stop talking about it here but as for oppvp and kitpvp, I think a community builder which essentially comes up with small ideas to be implemented into the map for a more fun experience would be nice. I remember pvping on kit and while running around I stumbled across a mini pit where players could go down into and fight to the death. My instant reaction was, "Why is nobody here? This seems like a fun thing to fight in." I know some people dislike oppvp because it takes too long to kill players or its simply easier than kit or I'm not sure what other reasons they have however, a semi-large pit where players can jump into and climb out with ladders or pearling out would be a nice feature. Also, that's only one idea! Since it's a community builder, he/she can take any ideas and if they see it would be nice they could just bam, build it, and see how well it does. If the players see it as pointless it can easily be removed as there would be many other suggestions coming from all directions. Let me know what you fellow pvpers and infection players think about this with a reply!
    2. Ref

      Ref Active Member

      Mar 1, 2021
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      EDIT: I support the idea of adding a pit to Kit/OpPvP, the map becomes stale after a while so i feel like a few updates to the maps would be nice. But i don't think a "community builder" is needed.
      Last edited: Mar 21, 2021
    3. BTCbandit21

      BTCbandit21 Established Member

      Feb 11, 2020
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    4. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      I may have misunderstood what you've said but this sounds just like a normal builder. You're free to make suggestions here about any ideas you may have in regards to maps, or you can dm any of the builders directly either on here on discord if you have any good ideas. I don't see the need for a specific rank for something we essentially already have.
    5. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Well first off crew handpicks builders himself. Most of the builders work on all of crews servers (skyblock, mineverse, minetime.) Secondly this has to be someone crew himself trusts, because when you're given the builder role you sometimes get op to fix maps and giving op has always led to trouble in the past (mvs database getting leaked.) Like Manu said you can always make map suggestions here and map submissions here. There's no reason to add this role since we already have a builder role, it's the same thing as asking for a forums mod role when they're plenty of mods online.
    6. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      Maybe not necessarily a whole new rank but I'm not sure. I understand your perspective, however, as for the map submissions I'm not a good builder I can only say an idea but I couldn't really make it myself and for the idea part yeah I guess I could just make a small thread. The reason I say community builder is because I rarely see the current builder team online. Yes, I know that they are probably busy doing other stuff I'm not blaming them at all but I feel like a small little tweak to a map shouldn't require the current builder team to work on it. I always thought the current builder team worked on huge maps or spawns and with thinking that's the way it works, It's almost the whole reason I'm making this thread is to have someone who can add small builds asked by the players while the builder team can work on bigger projects. Please correct me if I'm wrong about this, " I always thought the current builder team worked on huge maps or spawns. "
    7. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      Regarding trusting the builder, I think they do not always need to be op and should always request to build from either Crew, Janice, or Matt or whoever they need to be going to. Maybe some sort of interview or trial testing to see whether they are trustworthy or not would work or possibly just have normal players submit a form and let the staff team think about it for months before a final decision is made. These ideas are just ideas I've thought of on the spot but I will definitely think more about this.
    8. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      When a builder is making changes to map they have to be op'd so they can edit it.
      This would basically be the same thing as applying for mod but more intense.
    9. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      Agree with everything Alicia has said. What you're asking for is a more active builder. As for 'small changes to the map', any change, no matter how small, and on any of the servers, has to be thought through extensively first. Suggestions exist so that people can voice their ideas and admins can see what the community think of these ideas. People like what they are used to; change something, you may upset your community.
    10. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      Yeah, I guess so. I was just looking for some sort of daily updates and a "community builder" is I guess what just came to mind. Having a community builder isn't the smartest idea thinking about it now but if that's the case, it's time for me to start brainstorming some map ideas :).

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