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  • Global Bring back Op Factions

    Discussion in 'New Gamemode Ideas' started by xylose_, Sep 30, 2020.

    1. xylose_

      xylose_ Active Member

      Apr 2, 2020
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      This will be my first forums post and probably last since I am not very opinionated, But I recently have been thinking about what made this server so damn fun to play when I was younger. And that was Op factions which is currently no longer available. Now me and along with many others I have personally talked too think that It was a phenomenal game to play and still could be if brought back.

      Many old players and even new ones would enjoy it and I know this for a fact because ive spoken to most of them. If I'm being honest Op pvp is getting extremely boring and repetitive and not to beat down on op but you can dupe the rarest item, blatantly cheat, and get away with so many things that its made it so dull and unplayable for me. It's not just that but I don't feel I have to grind for anything? It's all so easy to get and just gets old after awhile.

      Now when i say bring back op factions I mean bring it back the right way and by that I mean just make it into a solid game mode that players can really enjoy with no bugs/glitches/exploits. If you do bring it back it has to be in good shape otherwise its going to die just like spaceprison/infection and all those other game modes.

      And I can guarantee if you bring this game mode back in a way that brings that sense of nostalgia back, and it functions perfectly well. It will be just as alive or even more than op pvp. I will gladly go out of my way to help in any way possible to get this back because Op factions was what made mineverse fun for me and what keeps me clinging to it.

      Thanks for listening to me rant!

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