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  • Astroligy duping on kitpvp

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Toad, Nov 30, 2020.

    1. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      " i have an xp glitch but dont tell anybody "
    2. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      I’m confused on why you’re saying this. Neither of the first two comments show there to be doubt. The first comment definitely believes him, and the second comment is simply advice to obtain evidence and create a report.

      If you actually read what was stated in the thread, you would also know that the so-called evidence he should “screenshot, you know, gyazo imgur” would generally be insufficient. Wow, some guy just said he dupes in chat. I should totally take a screenshot of him admitting it without getting a recording of him ACTUALLY DUPING. That’s 100% going to get him banned!

      See there’s this magical think called recording, you know, Bandicam OBS etc..

      Sorry, I just had to do that because of how ignorant the reply sounds. Anyways, he’s warning of an issue that could potentially destroy a server economy, so why be so aggressive?

      I don’t understand why a lot of your comments feel hostile and why you feel the need to bold random terms to get your point across. Literally every single thing I see come from you is like this lmao. I made sure to bold random terms in your message to possibly assist you in knowing how to read.

      This ^

      anyways f in the chat
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      Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
    3. ChibiMonkey

      ChibiMonkey Active Member

      Jun 1, 2019
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      yes trusting players/communities is a problem and there is simply no solution to fix it. But in my eyes I think how active the staff is with problems in game and on forums is a bigger issue. When and if a dupe glitch gets out I don't think it will matter because I am 100 percent sure that the staff team will not act on it fast enough to save kit for everyone. For example I messaged Janice 6 months ago about the punch 3 bow glitch on kitpvp and still to this day is not fixed. (Its not like this glitch is impossible to fix im sure it would not take very much effort)
    4. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      I get your point but I feel like eventually they'll fix all the small issues cause they have bigger things to worry about most the time
    5. ChibiMonkey

      ChibiMonkey Active Member

      Jun 1, 2019
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      That wasn't the intention of the message. I used the punch 3 glitch as an example of how noninteractive mineverse staff is. Its intention wasn't to complain about a small problem that isn't a big deal.
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    6. Skrown

      Skrown Well-Known Member

      Jan 7, 2015
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      Nah murays is all talk he can’t dupe, and the only real dupe method was patched while ago
    7. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      thats what im hoping
    8. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      oh no I get what you're saying I was just using that as an example
    9. DeathAuras

      DeathAuras Experienced Member

      Sep 14, 2019
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      I'm pretty sure no normal player would dupe openly after "accidentally" pming someone about said dupe.
      He posted this to warn of a possible dupe, which I completely understand, which is why I said that his friend should have screenshotted the guy saying it as its just the common sense thing to do, also so we could watch out for that specific player and keep an eye on him?
      "Wow, some guy just said he dupes in chat. I should totally take a screenshot of him admitting it without getting a recording of him ACTUALLY DUPING. That’s 100% going to get him banned!"
      I never said that the screenshot would get him banned.
      This is the same as someone admitting to hacking in chat. You won't get banned for admitting to hacking unless there was actual evidence of you hacking. You won't get banned for admitting to duping unless there was already evidence that you were duping
      If I went on an alt and said "Guys I'm hacking" I wouldn't get banned. Same as if I said "Guys I found a dupe glitch and I'm exploiting it" I wouldn't get banned.
      Everything comes down to proof.
      You think someone is hacking and a mod isn't online? Get proof and make a report.
      You think someone is duping? Try to get some proof and/or just notify staff on discord or forums, not create a thread for public opinion on said player duping.
      The player himself who was accused of duping said "The only things in you entire post that had even a sliver of truth were related to armor redye and exp. The rest came out of thin air"
      As you said, neither of the two comments before mine showed there to be doubt. Of course they won't have doubt? They literally say "gay ban him" and "I´d recommend to take evidence and report him, in this cases staff can only watch is there any exploit on it, if not then this thread might be useless."
      Toad himself replied saying "theres no hard evidence and staff arent just going to take my word for it"
      If there is no hard evidence then the player obviously is not going to be punished as we cant just go around believing everything the community tells us, for obvious reasons, but what we can do is watch out for that specific player.
      He made this in case there really was a dupe so he could um what? Give us a good old I told you so you should have listened!
      I honestly have no clue how telling someone that they should have screenshotted the guy saying it came off as aggressive but um ok, also considering that you felt the need to try to insult me by saying “I made sure to bold random terms in your message to possibly assist you in knowing how to read,” pretty sad.

      Just a hypothetical “If” here, If someone pings or notifies a staff that someone is spamming in chat of course they would log on if possible? Any mod would do that.
      Someone spamming in chat is pretty straightforward when compared to a closet cheater?
      A screenshot is easier to get than a recording of a player cheating I would assume.
      Duping and spamming someones irl has quite a big difference considering the evidence needed.. Spamming someones irl in chat is just a screenshot and a ban.
      Duping requires much more which I honestly am too lazy to list for this thread(I'm not here to go into the specifics of the evidence required for different punishments)

      "he came to you seriously claiming that he knew of a huge dupe that would destroy the kit community you'd want to further investigate right?"
      The thing is that he didn't even come to any of us directly through discord, notifying us of a possible dupe. He felt the need to go on forums and get public opinion of the possibility of someone duping instead of just tagging us in #help or pming us.

      <3 worse people have said that its sad if you think I'm affected by people asking me to resign

      Take this as you may. I didn't type any of that to flame anyone so hop in my pms if you're offended in any way. yEs#7485
    10. ignCramp

      ignCramp Active Member

      Aug 15, 2017
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      @DeathAuras might as well use that as a damn english essay
    11. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      this didn't age well... told you there was an XP dupe but you didn't believe me.

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