Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Smiley, Jul 16, 2016.
Spoiler: Swearing in the song @Alex @Secunda
Bro she takes singing lessons, we all know she can sing like a gem.
oh my goSH
rip alex 2k16
1:05 xD
xD This is funny.
Omfg so high pitch.
When @Alex sings for randoms but not for you #W0W
This was more beautiful than a Donald trump meme 9/11
XD I was in the call :P <3
Alex has cleansed your soul.
wtf xD
What even, LOL
when alex is feelin herself
feelin' the regretti of answering that call
*dissapointment intensifies*
who was that at 1:14 lmao