He lurks in the darkest corners of the dubtrack... He strikes without mercy... You wont see him coming until it is too late... Do not let his smile fool you! "I had my playlist all lined up and ready to play... then he comes along and steals all of my songs and plays them all before me in the exact same order. I was very sad because I was not able to play my songs anymore and had to go to the effort of queueing a whole new playlist. I will never recover from this traumatising experience and it has left me scarred for life" -Spoken from a survivor of the horrifying 'Song stealer' they do not wish for their identity to be known incase the 'Song stealer' decides to get revenge. Traumatising events have been taking place on the dubtrack, songs are being stolen without mercy. @Surge now has a playlist filled with 100+ stolen songs and that number is rising every day. His dubtrack name is 'SurgePlayZGameS' and he is currently the largest song stealer on the dubtrack. I would like to warn you all and ask you to join me in the fight against song stealers. WANTED For stealing every song. Have you seen THIS man? Everyone change your status to the hashtag: #StopStealingSongs And help us in the fight again Song Steals. One share = One less stolen song BECOME A HERO TODAY! This thread was just for fun and I did not mean it to be offensive in anyway.
There has been a quite a Surge in song stealing recently. I'm so so sorry I couldn't help it, puns flow through my blood, have mercy
Last time I saw him he jailed me on Prison for having contraband and he didn't jailed two other players who had contraband too and he warned me for language while I didn't tell anything wrong.
Lmao Auzzi, he steals all of my songs too but I'm not really against song stealing. First of all when I think someone takes my songs it really means the person liked it so much they had to put it in there playlist.