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  • EUR ♡ Sabrina's Application ♡

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by sabrina, Sep 22, 2020.

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    1. Tog

      Tog Active Member

      Apr 10, 2020
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      Full support. Although I know know Sabrina particularly well, she strikes me as a very approachable person. Sab is active on all platforms, and clearly helps out where needed.
      Best of luck!
    2. Dualband

      Dualband Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      Part 1: In my experience you are actually neither of these things. My main experience with you is actually one where you were very exclusive, to the point that you were actively telling people to not mention what you created in an attempt to "hide" it. When confronted about it, you claimed to "take the higher road" or "be the bigger person" when in reality you avoided the situation to the best of your ability and completely cut off the people who were left out.

      Part 2: Not to mention, you tend to be manipulative . You created some false rumors in order to degrade others.
      Part 3: I also believe the way you got titan may have been a little fraudulent.

      This is actually so passive aggressive, I understand where you are trying to come from, but you missed the point. People's feelings toward you are the main reason if they trust or are going to feel comfortable coming to you about their problems, telling them to ignore those feelings doesn't make sense.

      Something else I would've quoted but has since been deleted was the comment about genders, Salvation has already covered everything I would've mentioned about that topic extremely thoroughly.

      If anyone would like any clarification on anything I will handle it outside of the mod app, we all know, or should know that mod apps are for leaving your opinions not debating topics or arguments.
    3. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      thank you triggypoo :D

      thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated!

      I know what this is in relation to, and although I had no obligation to explain myself whatsoever, I have done multiple times in extensive detail, so can you please message me privately about this if you're still concerned on this issue.

      Also, I'd like to add that since we haven't spoken in months, it is quite possible that I have changed from your previous impression of me.

      This however I have no clue about. Again, please message me privately and enlighten me on what I have done. As I've mentioned multiple times in my application, this is a learning experience for me.

      The point I was trying to make here is that people should judge me on whether I will be a good moderator, good at carrying out duties a moderator has, fulfilling responsibilities. I was trying to elucidate that this is an application for moderator, so judgements should consider how well I would perform as one.

      I realise that this is a sensitive subject for some and have since removed it.
    4. Toheedprff786

      Toheedprff786 Experienced Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      no support. as much as i wanna support u the things u put about gender kinda seems sexist and imo a moderator shouldnt have those traits even if u deleted it i still think it shouldnt have been there in the first place. If in the future u can make me reconsider i might change to support.
      Last edited: Oct 26, 2020
    5. Arcues

      Arcues Active Member

      Jun 28, 2016
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      No support

      Reasons provided by Salvation, Toheed, and Dualband. That little bit you added about gender was really unnecessary. I do also agree with Dualband that you seem to be very "exclusive" as he said. You don't seem very welcoming ;p
    6. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Thank you both for your feedback. The part in question has since been removed, as players have helped me to understand the error in my ways. I am sorry, and do hope you reconsider in the future.
    7. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      This one's tough and being honest I'm not sure yet. Your application is great, you put effort in it and gave it your own spin. In addition, you make heaps of reports. As for all the gender/old applications, that doesn't bother me too much as I understand how mistakes and misunderstandings occur and the way you changed that real quick was great. But not all change can happen in a few clicks.
      The problem for me here is the transition into moderator and the whole exclusiveness. Although I'm staff myself, i know that staff members can sometimes drift away from the community. Of course they need to be respectful and serious at times but I personally believe the most important thing is to stay connected with the community and not thinking about yourself being above others. That being said and with what others have said as well as what I've seen I can't support.
      You do all that a moderator needs to do well, but it's the things beyond that that i'm just not too sure about at this point. I'm willing to reconsider in future, but for now I'll stick with Neutral.
      Last edited: Sep 23, 2020
    8. Qwiby

      Qwiby parkour enthusiast Premium

      Nov 3, 2015
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      Really pulled a gender card tho lmao

      Id want to support but honestly seems like you saw all the hate and negativity and THEN decided to remove it, in my eyes, to get more support. Not actually changing your own views.

      Last edited: Sep 23, 2020
    9. Esoesv2

      Esoesv2 Established Member

      May 23, 2020
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    10. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      the main problem isn't what you said, the problem is you having the mindset like that concerns me. it concerns me the actions you're gonna take in the future if you think like that. even so, what you said was absurd. reading your replies to others about the gender thing, you're clearly avoiding what you said. you just say "i'm simply stating what stands me out from the other people" but you also said that you're a girl and that since you're a girl, they are proven to be statistically more well-oriented and so fourth. so you're basically saying since you're a girl, you qualify for moderator than other applicants simply because of your gender. you do know there are biased-based websites that say all that crap right? I'm sure you cant handle that either considering you can't take the truth. you trying to dodge it as well saying "im just saying what's different about me from others". you're using your gender to your advantage - who does that? another thing is you can't seem to control your anger, and you let your anger get the best of you. like @Dualband had said, you claimed that you're welcoming, and all this other stuff yet you created a discord leaving out certain people. instead of coming to them like an adult, and at least explaining to them why you didn't want them in your server, you decided to just not tell them, making those people feel horrific of themselves. another thing is you can't seem to accept the truth which is ironic. when we had our conflict, you wouldn't care to believe me when i told you i made a mistake, even after i told you countless amount of times that I meant no drama. overall, i believe you are not fit for this server as this server holds a toxic community, and you seem to have a limit as to how much of that toxicness you can handle, and based off that, you're not ready. you also handed your account to someone to win you the titan rank, that is completely absurd coming from someone who calls themselves "truthful" and "honest". this goes to show that you are willing to hand your account over if it means it's benefiting you. yes you do the reports, and yes you do the minimodding in a way, but you also do the afk sitting OP spawn. that's something people absolutely hate especially coming from a mod on a gamemode of most hackers. and don't tell tucker that his impression could change of you when you did one of the most low things you could, excluding others simply because you don't like who they are. you also tend to keep things to yourself, one something a mod shouldn't do because as a moderator, you work as a team, and if someone or something bothers you, you must come forth. you cant leave it to when the world has crashed just like you did with me. that's like me saying i have COVID, but didn't tell anyone. i waited until someone got sick for me to tell them i have COVID. you have to speak up sabrina, that's something you're not very good at.

      since you wanna pick pecks at everyone, heres this ^
    11. poppy is not dead

      poppy is not dead Active Member

      Jun 13, 2020
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      In regards to other comments, I am teetering on the edge of no support -> neutral. My reasons for this have been explained in past comments by other people, hence I will not spend my time re-explaining myself. I wouldn't mind sharing my thoughts with you in another media in a calm manner, if need be. However, I wish you the best of luck. <3
    12. savagebomber

      savagebomber Active Member

      May 27, 2020
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      it's going to be a no support from me reasons stated by other people
    13. Vem

      Vem Experienced Member

      Jun 19, 2019
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      Changing to neutral.

      In-game, you seem great, same with discord and here on forums. You DO have a great personality which brings a lot of joy and laughter, but looking at your responses as well as other people's criticism makes me doubt you as an applicant - it really does.

      I still believe you can change my mind as well as many others, but for now I'll be neutral.
      Best of luck <3
    14. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      Though I agree bringing statistics into the picture is misguiding and gives the wrong picture, I don't see how stating that she's female and that there are few females on the staff team means we need to send her hate... How is it any different than saying you're from a certain country or part of the world, and that you could benefit the staff team in that way? I for sure think there's a lack of females on the staff team. I feel like people here are being triggered over something so small and unnecessary. Jesus christ :eyes:
    15. Salvation

      Salvation Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      Funny to see two staff members not see how saying that being a girl makes you a better applicant is a bad thing lol?
      People can talk and judge you about things you've said even if you have deleted it, it's called social consequence.
    16. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Thank you for your feedback snack, I’ll be sure to better uphold myself as a member of the community, I am sorry if it has ever come across to you that I think of myself as better than anyone else, as I can assure you that’s not true.

      I realise putting in that comment was not the right choice to make, and have since removed it. I’d also like to add that it wasn’t a view, I never intended it to come across as what some people have interpreted it as, I just wanted to state objectively that there is a lack of female presence on the staff team. While this is still true, I have chosen to take it out of my application as my phrasing wasn’t correct. Thank you for your opinion, I do hope you reconsider in the future.

      thank you for your support, and thank you for taking the time to read my application :)

      I realise my original phrasing wasn’t correct, and I am trying to show my true intent behind that section in my replies. I never intended the comment to come off as some have interpreted it, nor did I mean it to suggest being a girl somehow makes me “better” than other applicants. I have since explained my actual intentions behind the comment.
      I’d prefer not to address this here as we have already had a conversation on this in DMs, but I can go into detail either in a DM here or on discord, as I have extended the same courtesy to Tucker.
      I actually told numerous members of staff about what happened at the Red Rover competition, including the competition team leader. They are well aware of the situation, and I asked for any punishments that they deemed fit. I would never have even thought about doing it if it was against the rules.
      I know that this is not allowed as a member of the moderating team, but as I am not yet a moderator, I occasionally AFK on the gamemode to get keys to use for when I am actively playing.

      I understand. Thank you for taking the time to read my application nevertheless. Poppy, I would very much like to hear your opinions on how I can improve myself and my application, and act on them accordingly.

      Thank you for your feedback vem. I realise now how what I have said both in my application and in my replies can be misconstrued, and will try to do better in replying to future comments, as well as building on criticism I have already received.

      I realise my phrasing was wrong, I never meant for anyone to feel this way.
      My only hope is that people can see that this is what I meant when I added that to my application. I only wanted to state my observation of the lack of females on the staff team.
      I understand this. Like I said above, I can only hope that people understand the real intent behind me adding that to my application, not what others have interpreted it as.

      Thank you all again for your feedback.
    17. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I completely agree and I'm not being biased before anyone jumps to that conclusion. Writing paragraphs over and over putting someone down over 1 mistake is mind blowing to me. It doesn't even change how she can perform as a moderator which is the most important topic here, after all it is a mod application. Please make the right decisions and go off of the application and not a mistake that was made. I get the application has just been made but the past is the past, she's took what she said out, case closed. I pray that people make the right decisions and if you're here to shame an applicant, don't even bother commenting, this isn't the time nor the place for that. Give feedback.
    18. Salvation

      Salvation Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      Being sexist isn't something to take lightly, she deleted her post but still said what she said...
    19. Dev

      Dev Experienced Member

      Nov 25, 2016
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      i rmb you went on infec and made fun of diamond_diva123 and making fun of other players is a no no for staff so no support
    20. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      sando, that wasn't just what she stated. she's right yes there is always room for diversity, but she didn't just say that
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