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  • Favorite childhood memory/memories?

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by MissMatching, Aug 22, 2022.

    1. MissMatching

      MissMatching Established Member

      Jun 9, 2022
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      Just trying to get to know the community more! What's your favorite childhood memory?

      For example, mine might be getting my first hamster, I named him "Hamstey" as I was 5-6 years old. I got him for Christmas from Santa. He was a Fancy Bear breed of a hamster. He was sweet, fell asleep on my lap, never bit, but eventually like always... He passed away. He lived to be almost 4 years old, they sell them when they're under 2 weeks old typically. I promised him I'd become a veterinarian, and I'm working towards it. I know, kinda childish at this point, but I love animals. :)

      What's your favorite childhood memory/memories? ​
    2. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Playing Minecraft all day and night long with my online friends and siblings. We used to play from early afternoon to early morning the next day. I haven't done this in years cause now I have responsibilities that require me to have a decent sleep schedule. I truly miss not having a care in the world except when my base was being raided or when I died and lost all my gear.
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